(Pronounced like blest, not blesid)
Meaning: bringing happiness and thankfulness;
enjoying happiness; joyous; lucky; fortunate
"No matter what, through lifes ups and downs, I am blessed"
Monday, March 31, 2008

So I am at work today and
a patient came into our office that
I use to see at the old job.
That's pretty normal. I see
alot of old patients switching
Thing is I knew this patient's wife.
I had talked to her alot in the past
at the old place.
We got to chattin' again.
She's in her late 50's, I guess.
I remember we share the same date
of birth. Not year, of course.
In the past I use to have my hair
short and she had made a comment to
me back then that it made me look older.
As time has passed I grew my hair back
out. Not becuz of her comment but becuz
I always change my hair and I got tired of
it being so short.
Today she asks me how old I was now.
I ask her to guess.
She guess's that I am in my 40's.
Which I am not.
I am 37.
Just gotta love days like this one!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Well Hon...

Last summer, my friend came to the hospital with me because I needed a one-day surgery. The nurse told me at least twice that my daughter was waiting for me out in the hall, huh? My friend is one year older than I.....

Yeah...gotta love those days! My friend was real happy though... hahahahaha

Can't win 'em all.... wink

Blogger Jerrster said...
I liked your short hair.

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