(Pronounced like blest, not blesid)
Meaning: bringing happiness and thankfulness;
enjoying happiness; joyous; lucky; fortunate
"No matter what, through lifes ups and downs, I am blessed"
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Thursday Ramblings
As I have admitted, I have a terrible habit. I smoke. It's amazing what all I do to smoke. I dig up money when I'm broke to get my cigarettes. I stand in the rain. I stand in the freezing cold, just to smoke a cigarette. I don't smoke freely in my home. I contain myself to the bathroom under the vent. Just bought a new car and won't allow myself to smoke in it. Last car I did the same and then once the newness wore off, I got ashes all over. And once I threw a cigarette out the window only it flew back in when I didn't know it and burnt a small place on my seat. I hate the way my clothes and my hair smell. I carry gum and breath mints and body splash to cover it. Yet, I still smoke. It's got a hold on me. Damn those cigarettes! I hate you. I love you. You can tell me to quit. Everyone does. I know just how terrible it is. Yet, I still do it.
I want to be blonde. I have been blonde and you know what I discovered? Blondes do have more fun!!! Oh come on brunettes and red heads! You can argue all you want! I know they have more fun! I did! I got way more attention. Not that is primarily why I won't to be blonde again. I actually think I look better. I have light eyes. And they stand out so much more when I have lighter hair.
I am drinking a glass of Beajolais Noveau 2006 right now and it sure is tastey! I normally don't allow myself to drink during the week days since I don't sleep very well when I drink but again I reiterate it sure is tastey!
You know I sure do love seafood. Could eat it every day Tonight for dinner we had blackened tuna and some shrimp. Well, my honey made himself a filet mignon and you know what? That filet sure was good. I do have to have my red meat!
Why Pam did you have to marry Kid???? Why?
Today is the last day of November! Can you believe it?!!!! Somebody tell me.....where has all the time gone??? I can remember as a kid how time slowly ticked by. But now---poof---it's Christmas!!!!
Okay.......I don't know why I looked but I did....it was like a train wreck but I looked. Now warning this bad:
and yet again, different outfit:
Now I know this must surprise ya that I actually put this on my blog. But folks, I'm human! Train wrecks make everybody look!
So they say the weather is gonna get bad round these parts (KY). I wonder if it's really gonna snow? Today when I got off work the temp in my car said 67 degrees. That's right 67 in late November! So the forecast is calling for cold temps and snow. So you know what I'm gonna do right now? I'm gonna go outside in the warm with the last of my wine and smoke me a cigarette! BLESSINGS!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Takin' a tag from Erika(whyme-notagain.blogspot.com)
----6 weird things about me----
1) At night when I lay down to go to sleep I have to have the TV on. I have to have the volume turned down very low, almost to a whisper. I usually put it on the History channel, History Traveler channel or Biography. However, there cannot be anything on that has gun fire! And then as I start to get real sleepy, I turn the TV off and off to dream land I go.
2) I have a radio on my desk at work and I listen to classical music all day to calm and soothe me. I use to listen to Top 40 or classic rock and I found myself all worked up!
3) I think Victoria's Secret is over-rated.
4) Most Christmas music makes me sad.
5) I like to square dance yet I don't do it.
6) I want some leather chaps, real cowboy boots and some spurs.
Okay, now I have to Tag 6: Robyn, Leigh, Keshi, Dial up, Ed, Miss U!!
Monday, November 27, 2006
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.
I definitely did.
The weather was fantastic. Warm. Sunshine.

I had a wondeful time being with my honey and my family.
Delicious food.
I couldn't have asked for better.
I was lucky enough to be have an extended Thanksgiving weekend.
Didn't have to work on Friday. I planned on taking it easy on Friday.
I ended up buying a new car. I traded my 2003 Toyota Camry (which was my very first brand new car) for a 2006 Nissan Altima. It is sweet. Black. Gray interior. Sunroof with windguard. Having a spoiler added. Alot more bells and whistles than my Camry.
Saturday went to Cincinnati with my honey in the brand spankin' new car to see Bob Seger. Have to say ole 61 year old Bob did a great job. I'd go see him again. We stayed overnight in Cincy. It was a good time. We stayed within walking distance of the arena. Good night to walk. So nice out. We even stopped at this little bar to grab a burger. We sat outside. Such a pretty moon.
Sunday came home. The weather again was nice.
Have to say it was definitely was a wonderful weekend!!!! Will be hard to top!
Quote of the day from William Arthur Ward:
"Every person has the power to make other's happy.
Some do it simply by entering a room --
others by leaving the room.
Some individuals leave trails of gloom;
others, trails of joy.
Some leave trails of hate and bitterness;
others, trails of love and harmony.
Some leave trails of of cynicism and pessimism;
others trails of faith and optimism.
Some leave trails of criticism and resignation;
others trails of gratitude and hope.
What kind of trails do you leave????"
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Are those who give much and complain little, for
theirs is the joy of accomplishment.
But let us have compassion for those who
complain much and give little joy, for the joy of
accomplishment is denied them.

Blessed are those who venture much that good
may be achieved, for they shall win more than they
know. But let us have compassion for those who
venture little, for they shall win less than they seek.

Blessed are those who dream, for some of their
dreams will come true. But let us have compassion
for those who dare not dream, for how can their
dreams come true?

Blessed are those who trust one another, for they
shall not be disappointed. But let us have compassion
for those who dare not trust one another,
for they shall find few friends.

Blessed are those who hope, for hopes shall
make them grow. But let us have compassion
for those who fear, for those who live by fear shall
see their fears realized.

Blessed are those who love, for by love we speak
to the best in one another. But let us have compassion
for those who cannot love, for those
who cannot love cannot find the good in others or

--"Some Modern Beatitudes"--by Harry C. Meserve
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
WHAT'S ON MY MIND................
turns out I had a very happy birthday this past Friday. Celebrated with my honey, family and friends. Ate sashimi, drank some Merlot (Hey Miss U ---better yet a whole bottle), danced, got lots of awesome presents.
I guess being 36 has sunk in and you know what I realized even more? I am so blessed.

On Monday woke up and there was snow falling. It was so pretty. Didn't stick tho. However, it evidently came down a bit harder in other parts of the state becuz there was two school closings.
When I was walking out to my car to leave for work, the snow fell into my hair and there went any possibility of my hair looking good.
Couple of things about winter that I don't like besides it being cold, is what the dry heat from the heater does to my skin--it just dries it out AND static in my hair. How I hate it!!!!
OJ Simpson book and TV special got cancelled!! YEAHHHHH!!!!!!!
Are you excited about Thanksgiving?????? I am. I can't wait to stuff myself! I am so glad that this year my brother and his wife are having Thanksgiving at their house. Lately, it seems everyone is so tired and so busy to have it at their house (my house is small). The last few years my family and some close friends have been going out for Thanksgiving dinner. It is so expensive and no to-go box!!!
Anyway, I am happy that it is Thanksgiving time and I am so over joyed to be with the ones I love. Much to give thanks about!!!!
Okay, I do have to say that I think there needs to be a law on when Christmas music should be played. I don't believe that Christmas music should be played on the radio until Thanksgiving Day. There are radio stations here where I live that have already been playing it. Why do they want to start pushing it so early??? I get so sick of it. It's just too early! There is plenty of time for Christmas music but NOT before Thanksgiving.
I have to tell you about this awesome book that I read. It is called: "Left to Tell-Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust" by Immaculee Ilibagiza. I highly recommend this book. I devoured all 215 pages of it. It was so powerful...so inspirational...so eye opening. I literally was shaking as I read this book. Here is a little more about it:
Immaculee Ilibagiza grew up in a country she loved, surrounded by a family she cherished. But in 1994 her idyllic world was ripped apart as Rwanda descended into a bloody genocide. Immaculee’s family was brutally murdered during a killing spree that lasted three months and claimed the lives of nearly a million Rwandans. Incredibly, Immaculee survived the slaughter. For 91 days, she and seven other women huddled silently together in the cramped bathroom of a local pastor while hundreds of machete-wielding killers hunted for them. It was during those endless hours of unspeakable terror that Immaculee discovered the power of prayer, eventually shedding her fear of death and forging a profound and lasting relationship with God. She emerged from her bathroom hideout having discovered the meaning of truly unconditional love—a love so strong she was able seek out and forgive her family’s killers.
So enough for today....just wanting everyone who cared to see that I was alive!! I do wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you are surrounded by those who you love and may you take a moment to really give thanks!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Dark chocolate may stave off artery hardening in smokers, and a few squares every day could potentially cut the risk of serious heart disease, finds a small study in Heart.
Well, that's really good news especially for those dark chocolate lovers like me!
Calling it beneath contempt, one group is urging a boycott of a new book by OJ Simpson and a television special about it. The book details how Simpson would've murdered his ex wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman, if he did it. In Simpson's book entitled, “If I did it”, he describes how he hypothetically would have killed his ex-wife and her friend.
Hurray for Emmitt Smith winning Dancing with the Stars!!!
Did you see the look on Mario Lopez's and his partner's face? They really seemed ticked.
The new James Bond, Daniel Craig is hot. I really think he makes the next best James Bond right after ole Sean Connery. He definitely blows ole Pierce Brosnan out of the water!
Okay so Mr. Lame-Coat-tail-rider Kevin Federline is gonna release a sex tape of him and Britney to pad his pockets. So sad. I don't see this tape hurting Britney's career. It didn't hurt Pam Anderson, Paris Hilton or Screech.
Enough about the Katy Holmes-Tom Cruise wedding!!
Brazilian model Ana Carolina Reston was 1.74 metres (five foot seven inches) tall and weighed just 40 kilogrammes (88 pounds) when she died of kidney failure, one day before she was scheduled to fly to Paris for a photo shoot.
Two days after a 21-year-old Brazilian model died of anorexia, top French couturiers denied that the fashion world was responsible for the pressure on young models to become excessively thin.
I would laugh at this statement but it's just so freakin' terrible.
Today I actually saw some snow flurries in the air. Brrrrrrrrr..........
Tho I do think snow is beautiful and I will enjoy it when it does fall, I still want my summer back.
Did you read about all the devastation that some tornados caused in Alabama and North Carolina? It's November--it's just awful.
Awesome quote for today:
"It is said that the mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy. At every moment we have the opportunity to choose our company; thoughts which bring oxygen to the spirit or those which bring pain."~ Brahma Kumaris, Mt Abu
Last but definitely not least--
today is the last day I will be 35 years old.
That's right, tomorrow I turn 36. I don't know why I feel a little glum about turning 36. I usually am very excited about my birthday. As I have said before, it is the day that God decided to grace me upon the Earth.
I am blessed. I am here. I know I should embrace my soon-to-be new age. I do have some fun plans. I will get to share this day with many of the people I love.
Somebody pass me a glass (or two) of red wine!!!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
(and from the last few days)
(please note this is just 'some' things....not all)
Well, I was driving down the road one day after work and I had my cell phone in the seat next to me laying on a thick coat. I went around a curve and my cell phone slid off and went into my cup of ice tea. Bye-bye cell phone. I have been without my cell phone for a few days and it feels weird. I guess this was what it felt like before I had a cell phone which I really couldn't remember what it was like. Alot quieter. More time with my thoughts.
New cell phone is already been ordered, paid for and shipped. Should get it Tuesday. I think this phone will be better than my last one. The last one I really hated but just dealt with it since I paid for it after my last cell phone accident a year and a half ago. That accident was when I thought I was so cool by sneaking a beer out in my purse when I was in a bar. The beer spilt in my purse. I'm so cool, aren't I?
Two deaths in the entertainment world. Jack Palance. I remember him from the original Ripley's Believe it or Not show (before Dean Cain). I always found him spooky.
And then there is Gerald Levert. I remember him from the following song:
"I ain't much on Casanova
me and Romeo ain't never been friends.
Can't you see how much I really love you?
Gonna sing it to you time and time again."
Any who, he was only 40!!!!!!!!!
Saturday was Veteran's Day. I don't think this holiday gets enough recognition!!! So on that note I want to tell you about this little website I stumbled upon that absolutely made me cry my eyes out. I think everyone should see this website. It really puts things in perspective. But before you view, grab a box of kleenex.
Another website for you to check out to keep up with the stats.
Saturday morning I did something I have never done. I helped feed the homeless. I felt so honored. It was me and some of the people in from our current RCIA class. I want this activity to be a part of my life. Yet another thing that I have done that has opened my eyes. It is easy to forget just how lucky and blessed we are. Hence my blogger name. I try so hard not to take for granted how blessed I am.
From Matthew 25:35-36"For I was hungry and you fed me; I was thirsty and you gave me water; I was a stranger and you invited me into your homes; naked and you clothed me; sick and in prison, and you visited me."
On a lighter note, has anyone seen that reality series on CMTon the making of a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader? Well, let me tell you there is no way I would ever want to go thru what all they go thru to be a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader! You couldn't pay me to go thru that torture! My goodness it is unreal! And that is why they are DCC and I am not. LOL.
Funny little game for you to play. It's called Get the drunk home.
I laughed my tail off while playing this. I only could get him home 35 meters.
You try:
Thursday, November 09, 2006
As I go thru my day, may I be walking thru a busy parking lot, in the grocery store, or mall, getting ready to get on an elevator, or being in the elevator, where ever I am and I make eye contact with people, strangers, I smile. Do you know how many times I do not get a smile back? LOTS! Most of the time people just look at me with a blank face. Why do people not want to smile? Not everyone has to be having a bad day! If so, fake it. I do. I like this little sign:
It's true. Smiling really confuses people.
Don't ya hate when a good song is ruined? What I mean is, I hate when I like a song and then I either don't like the video, hear it too much or especially the song gets affillated with something that makes me remember a bad moment. Example, a friend of mine had a message on her cell phone. On the message was just a song clip. A popular song. The song was "Don't Cha" by the Pussy Cat Dolls. Someone was trying to send her a message. Someone possibly messing around with her man. They left the message as a smarta&% remark. Ruined the song for me.
Another example, you date someone and somehow certain songs remind you of them. You break up. Don't really won't to hear those songs again.It is tho the song or songs become tainted.
Ed Bradley of 60 minutes passed away today. I thought he had the coolest voice. Did some really great news reporting and interviews.
A spokeswoman for
Denise Richards blamed aggressive paparazzi for a run-in that prompted the Hollywood actress to toss a pair of laptops from a balcony, causing minor injuries to two elderly women.
What????????? Can you say temper-tantrum? Can you say poor excuse? Can you say crazy?
Check your medicine cabinet: Millions of bottles of the widely used pain reliever acetaminophen — some sold as long as three years ago — are being recalled because they may contain metal fragments.
The recall affects 11 million bottles containing varying quantities of 500-milligram acetaminophen caplets made by the Perrigo Co. The pills were sold under store brands by Wal-Mart, CVS, Safeway and more than 120 other major retailers.
UH-OH. This is BAD!
ARKANSAS CITY, Kan. - A woman thought to have Lou Gehrig's Disease has resumed talking after a silence of nearly three years — the second such surprise recovery at a south-central Kansas facility.
How awesome is this??? So much negativity and sadness in the news and then I read this.
Today is Thursday. That means tomorrow is Friday!!!! YEAHHHH!!!!!
So I guess I'll leave you pleasant folks with that wonderful thought and this one:
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Britney Spears and Kevin Federline are getting divorced.
Who would of thunk it!!!!!
Now he is seeking support and child custody. I have a feeling this gonna get nasty.
Must mention here that if you like to read the gossip magazines like People, US weekly, OK, etc, check out www.tmz.com. Lot of dirt.
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld stepped down as defense secretary on Wednesday, one day after midterm elections in which opposition to the war in Iraq contributed to heavy Republican losses.
President Bush nominated Robert Gates, a former CIA director, to replace Rumsfeld at the Pentagon.
PIERRE, S.D. - A woman who died two months ago won a county commissioner's race in Jerauld County on Tuesday.
Democrat Marie Steichen, of Woonsocket, got 100 votes, defeating incumbent Republican Merlin Feistner, of Woonsocket, who had 64 votes.
Now that's just wild!!!
The father of late Doors singer Jim Morrison has broken his silence to share memories of his estranged son, who once sang about killing him and joked that his family was dead.
George Morrison, a retired U.S. Navy admiral, is one of the contributors to "The Doors by the Doors," an authorized memoir released this week. The book's author, rock journalist Ben Fong-Torres, also interviewed the band's three surviving members and Jim's younger brother and sister, among others.
I have to read this book!
Okay, I am very happy to report that I am no longer alone doing the PREP class with the rowdy 5th graders. There are two 5th grade classes and today my class was added to the other class. SIGH OF RELIEF!!!
I couldn't believe just how good they paid attention and didn't act up.Now there are 4 teachers to about 22 kids. None of the other teachers from the other class wanted to come to mine!
Enough for today kiddies.
Hope you enjoyed all the mermaids I used as dividers between subjects.
I have a thing for mermaids (obviously!)
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