(Pronounced like blest, not blesid)
Meaning: bringing happiness and thankfulness;
enjoying happiness; joyous; lucky; fortunate
"No matter what, through lifes ups and downs, I am blessed"
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Are those who give much and complain little, for
theirs is the joy of accomplishment.
But let us have compassion for those who
complain much and give little joy, for the joy of
accomplishment is denied them.

Blessed are those who venture much that good
may be achieved, for they shall win more than they
know. But let us have compassion for those who
venture little, for they shall win less than they seek.

Blessed are those who dream, for some of their
dreams will come true. But let us have compassion
for those who dare not dream, for how can their
dreams come true?

Blessed are those who trust one another, for they
shall not be disappointed. But let us have compassion
for those who dare not trust one another,
for they shall find few friends.

Blessed are those who hope, for hopes shall
make them grow. But let us have compassion
for those who fear, for those who live by fear shall
see their fears realized.

Blessed are those who love, for by love we speak
to the best in one another. But let us have compassion
for those who cannot love, for those
who cannot love cannot find the good in others or

--"Some Modern Beatitudes"--by Harry C. Meserve
Blogger Leigh said...
This was so well writen. Thanks for sharing.

Blogger Keshi said...
omg this is so beautiful! I cried :)


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