(Pronounced like blest, not blesid)
Meaning: bringing happiness and thankfulness;
enjoying happiness; joyous; lucky; fortunate
"No matter what, through lifes ups and downs, I am blessed"
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Thursday Ramblings
As I have admitted, I have a terrible habit. I smoke. It's amazing what all I do to smoke. I dig up money when I'm broke to get my cigarettes. I stand in the rain. I stand in the freezing cold, just to smoke a cigarette. I don't smoke freely in my home. I contain myself to the bathroom under the vent. Just bought a new car and won't allow myself to smoke in it. Last car I did the same and then once the newness wore off, I got ashes all over. And once I threw a cigarette out the window only it flew back in when I didn't know it and burnt a small place on my seat. I hate the way my clothes and my hair smell. I carry gum and breath mints and body splash to cover it. Yet, I still smoke. It's got a hold on me. Damn those cigarettes! I hate you. I love you. You can tell me to quit. Everyone does. I know just how terrible it is. Yet, I still do it.
I want to be blonde. I have been blonde and you know what I discovered? Blondes do have more fun!!! Oh come on brunettes and red heads! You can argue all you want! I know they have more fun! I did! I got way more attention. Not that is primarily why I won't to be blonde again. I actually think I look better. I have light eyes. And they stand out so much more when I have lighter hair.
I am drinking a glass of Beajolais Noveau 2006 right now and it sure is tastey! I normally don't allow myself to drink during the week days since I don't sleep very well when I drink but again I reiterate it sure is tastey!
You know I sure do love seafood. Could eat it every day Tonight for dinner we had blackened tuna and some shrimp. Well, my honey made himself a filet mignon and you know what? That filet sure was good. I do have to have my red meat!
Why Pam did you have to marry Kid???? Why?
Today is the last day of November! Can you believe it?!!!! Somebody tell me.....where has all the time gone??? I can remember as a kid how time slowly ticked by. But now---poof---it's Christmas!!!!
Okay.......I don't know why I looked but I did....it was like a train wreck but I looked. Now warning this bad:
and yet again, different outfit:
Now I know this must surprise ya that I actually put this on my blog. But folks, I'm human! Train wrecks make everybody look!
So they say the weather is gonna get bad round these parts (KY). I wonder if it's really gonna snow? Today when I got off work the temp in my car said 67 degrees. That's right 67 in late November! So the forecast is calling for cold temps and snow. So you know what I'm gonna do right now? I'm gonna go outside in the warm with the last of my wine and smoke me a cigarette! BLESSINGS!
Blogger Keshi said...
I know...blondes really do get alot of attention..even the not-so-good-looking blondes...I wonder why.


Blogger Fig said...
I have had nightmares where I dyed my hair blonde. NIGHTMARES! I can never have blonde hair. Nope. I can't. My skin coloring is WRONG for it... I would look sick. Jaundiced. You go blonde girl! Me... I'll just stick with my French Roast Feria 45.



I checked 2 hours ago... it was
11 degrees here.


I need a blanket.

Blogger erika said...
I smoke too. I know everyone is telling me to stop too. One of these days

Have a great weekend.

Blogger Blessed said...
keshi--you know it's just got to be the connotation of blondes and what alot of times what they represent!
lily-there is always a color of blonde that suits everybody. i have been almost every color (by the way). and it's now 36 degrees!
erika-i know i MUST quit. but when i have a nice tastey drink in my hand i think no way jose!

Blogger Unknown said...
I am still holding out, thanks for caring.


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