(Pronounced like blest, not blesid)
Meaning: bringing happiness and thankfulness;
enjoying happiness; joyous; lucky; fortunate
"No matter what, through lifes ups and downs, I am blessed"
Monday, February 25, 2008

This is my little Jerusalem Stone.
Quarried, obviously, in Jerusalem.
It is a little keepsake that I have
on my desk at home.
I like what it says
"Let go, Let God".
I just wish I could really let go
and Let God.
That has definitely been my problem.
Things, for the moment, are looking
better. I keep telling myself what is
the use in worrying? I am only hurting
myself. Of course, it easier to say that
when I am not worrying as I was.
I got to keep the faith.

"Every tomorrow has two handles.
We can take hold of it by the handle of anxiety,
or by the handle of faith."
~Author Unknown
Anonymous Anonymous said...
When life keeps throwing punches our way, it's not always obvious to be confident and keep the faith that things will get better.

It will eventually but in the mean time it's freaken depressing.

People who are always positive and happy are either delusional or heavily medicated! lol

Blogger Bob said...
I carry a stone in my pocket. One side has a drawing of the trunk of a tree. On the back side is etched "Strength". I've been carrying this stone (given by a friend 12 years ago) since Jill died. It's been a good reminder for me and maybe a force to garner the strength that I need everyday just to get through life. . .. Hope you're feeling better. I've been concerned.

Blogger Steve H said...
weeping may endure the night, but you comes in the morning.
-psalm 30:5

Blogger Jerrster said...
so many things to be happy about and really, so very few things to worry about.

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