(Pronounced like blest, not blesid)
Meaning: bringing happiness and thankfulness;
enjoying happiness; joyous; lucky; fortunate
"No matter what, through lifes ups and downs, I am blessed"
Monday, February 18, 2008

When it rains,
it freakin' poors!

I don't mean to wallow in pity.
It just seems that I am going
thru a bad spell right now.
It sucks.
I want to cuss.
I want to scream.
Maybe I should throw something.
None the above helps.
My bad mood continues.
My bad luck is not breaking.
I try to think about good,
positive happy thoughts
but then BOOM! something
more shittier happens!

Is shittier a word?
There I laughed.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
yeah..when shit hits the fan it does seem to get messy and stink!!

Smile... ;-)

Blogger Edtime Stories said...
I wish there was something I could do.

Blogger Bob said...
You laughed? That's a step in the right direction . . . chin up, one step at a time, girl.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
How about a little drink? ;-)

That always help for a while.

Seriously... I hope you feel better soon... xx

Blogger Jerrster said...
awww Blessed thankfully these things will pass and better days will be had. NOW get a new job.

Blogger Dial-Up Princess said...
THE POWER OF PRAYER. I believe that God only gives three answers to prayer:

1. 'Yes!'
2. 'Not yet.'
3. 'I have something better in mind.'

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