(Pronounced like blest, not blesid)
Meaning: bringing happiness and thankfulness;
enjoying happiness; joyous; lucky; fortunate
"No matter what, through lifes ups and downs, I am blessed"
Saturday, January 26, 2008
It's alive!!!!!! Yeah, I'm alive

and so it sits here waiting for me;
waiting for me to say something, anything.
I feel my poor little blog is
getting lonely, missing me.
It wants me write about what is going
on, what is on my mind, even if it's
rubbish, it wants me to fill it up.
Don't know what's wrong with me
lately. I know I haven't run out of
things to say. There's always something
to say, may it be trivial, profound,
inspirational, funny, sad or
just wasted thoughts.
I am alive, incase you are wondering.
I am tired. Guess since it's winter time
and COLD, maybe not enough vitamin D,
warmth, and inspiration to jolt my mind
into blogging or maybe I am just being
plain ole lazy.
So be it. That's just the way it is.
I hopefully will become enthusiastic,
determined, zealous,and/or eager to be creative
Blogger Elaine Denning said...
I think a lot of us are going through this at the moment. I'm lucky if I blog once a week - there were times I could have done it twice a day! I am approaching the 2 year mark now, so that's my excuse. I need new material!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yep..that's it.. you're just being lazy... wink... wink

Nah... everybody needs a break once in a while in order to fuel up a little....

I always enjoy dropping by here because you're not always bitching and complaining like a whole lot of the blogs out there.... and what is that amounting to?

This place is always comforting and peaceful....

Sending you lots of warmth and sunshine... even if it's -13 Celsius here this morning... LOL Sorry don't know how to convert that into Farenheit..spelling?

Take care dear Blessed and it's great having you back... hugs

Blogger Bob said...
I think some of us get tired of spilling our guts and leaving more than a little piece of ourselves on a blog. Taking a break, as I am finding, seems to be rejuvenating . . . but then, yes, you feel guilty to neglect writing even if it is only for to benefit ourselves. That said, there are people out there who care . .. and you certainly are one that cares and one who has helped me through (and others) one of the most difficult times in my life. Keep blogging . . . your friends would miss you and your comments dearly.

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