Seems like the only fun that anyone ("anyone" does include me!) can find to have is going out and drinking. Don't get me wrong, as I have mentioned, I do like a good cocktail, I just get so tired of going out to drink. Isn't there anything else that one can do to have fun? It's always the same ole thing-go to this bar, or go to this restaurant and have some drinks. So dull. Yet I do it.
So I find myself torn.
Went out last night, had a few drinks and a salad. Then on to a bar where I proceded to have a couple more drinks. Hung out with fun people. Danced. Cut up. Laughed. I did have fun.
But (here comes the "but") again it always revolves around drinking. Always. It gets so old. Yet I do it. What else would I do? Stay home,watch TV? Stay home, read a book? Stay home, surf the net?
I get so mad at myself for giving in when I really want something else
fun to do. Not much in this town to do. Go shopping, spend money.
Go to the movies. Not much into going to movies. Play a sport. What sport could I play with whom? Everybody usually wants to go out drinking. I don't want to stay home and be a hermit. I don't always want to feel that I got to go out by myself to do something else (whatever something else is?!!!)
And on top of this, I really have been going to church more, getting involved. And yet here I am out at a bar drinking. I'm Catholic. Drinking isn't frowned upon. I'm not out getting hammered. I don't feel that I'm acting inappropriate BUT (here comes the "but" again!), I feel guilty.
I feel that I'm not living my life as I should. I'm not trying to be "holier than thou". I know I'm "allowed" to go out and have fun but I feel that I'm being a little bit of a hyporcrit to what I truly believe.
So again, I'm torn.
I don't want to go out and get this whole new group of friends that want to sit around on a Friday and do a bible study. Or maybe I would. That does sound more entertaining to me right now. I have a strong desire to know more about the bible, scripture, my faith, liturgy, prayer, etc. Okay so I don't want to drop my old friends who are so such wonderful, caring, loving people. I just don't feel that we are on the same page right now.
I don't feel that I'm on the same page with alot of people right now.
I'm torn. I'm torn between what I want, what I think I need and what I'm doing.
No reason why you can't hang out with one group of friends one night and another group of friends on the other :)
I know, I know. I must have will power to not go for the alchol and go for the water or the coca cola.
I just get to yappin' and that cosmopolitan goes down way too good and then someone buys a round...and then another round and then another (I have some generous friends!)I have gone out ALOT and drank only one or two (at the most) and then there are times when I have gone out and forced myself to drink to tolerate the company I was with. Alcohol made it a little easier. Stupid I know but I have done it.
I just want to be in some situations with people that alcohol isn't around and isn't a factor. That's why I need to make MORE friends that are like minded, and/or are shootin' for the same goals. Most my friends like to go out and get wild. Not that there is nothing wrong with that. I usually go and give into temptation instead of staying home.