(Pronounced like blest, not blesid)
Meaning: bringing happiness and thankfulness;
enjoying happiness; joyous; lucky; fortunate
"No matter what, through lifes ups and downs, I am blessed"
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Felt I should say something.....so I found these.....
FROM: http://captive-heart.com/tuesdaytwosomememe/
I’d never…at least I don’t think I would ever
A)List two items of clothing you would never wear again.
1) Tube top
2) Granny panties
B)List two food items you would never eat again.
1) Cheesecake (Bleck!)
2) Beef liver (Yuck! Gag!)
C)List two types of music you would never intentionally listen to again.
1) Speed metal
2) Really heavy metal
D)List two TV shows you would never watch again.
1) Lost
2) South Park
E)List two beverages you would never drink again.
1) Sierra Mist
2) Tab

(From January 16, 2007 Tuesday Twosome)
At This Very Moment
List two things…
A)On your desk
1)Mango Body Butter
2) frog
B)On your bed
1) Sleepin' kitty cat
2) remotes to the TV
C)You are craving
1) Smooches
2) Beach
D)That are annoying you
1) That I took my acrylic nails off -- I dislike my short finger nails.
2) That tomorrow isn't Friday.
E)That best describes your style
1) my honesty
2) my goofiness

(From January 9th, 2007 Tuesday Twosome)
That’s Entertainment
A) Two celebs that you feel are the most overexposed:
1) Britney Spears
2) Paris Hilton
B) Two news items you wish the press would stop talking about:
1) Okay, I've seen enough Datelines about predators--those stalking kids on the internet
I know it's sick---but enough of the broadcasting of the sting operations!!! Just get'em
2) Brangelina
C) Two songs that you are tired of hearing on the radio:
1) Sexy Back. Enough already! I have the CD
2) Promiscious by Nelly Furtado. It's like nails on a chalkboard.
D) Two TV shows that should NOT be renewed for another reason:
1) Lost
2) ????? I don't watch TV that much
E) Two movies (that are currently playing) that you would recommend:
I honestly have to bow out of this one since I hardly ever watch movies
I haven't been to a movie theatre since 2004!!!! Sad, huh?
Blogger A Life Inspired said...
Hi Blessed...how did you create your custom looking site? I'm trying to set one up for a non-profit and all I'm finding are the templates that allow for virtually no customization........?

Blogger Elaine Denning said...
I don't do movies either, so I don't think it's sad!

Blogger Blessed said...
INSPIRED---There are websites that help with templates here are some that I have stumbled upon:



and you could go to GOOGLE and search blogger templates or templates and perhaps that would help.
I really feel I lucked up on switching mine. I have tried to switch it to something new but I haven't figured out how to switch it again!!!
The graphics, blinkies and such I have added thru many websites I have found that have them.
My fav graphic site is
I use to have ALOT more graphics on my blog but I took some of them off since it made those with dial up have a hard time waiting for my page to appear!! GOOD LUCK!
Howdy!! Glad to see you stoppin.
You know I find that movies tend to disappoint me. They get all this hype and then come to find out the best thing about the movie was the previews!!!

Blogger starry said...
Nice tag.I am looking forward to seeing Lost.why don't you like the show.

Blogger Blessed said...
STARRY---I tried watching Lost and it just seem to be so confusing and drawn out! It just didn't grab my attention and now I hear there are rumors they are thinking of ending it since they are running out of plot. Just one of those shows (again) that I invested time into just to be disappointed. But that's just me!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
never seen Lost....but the Office....that I say is the best thing on TV today.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Great job on the lists!

Lost.. I really don't understand that show..what's going on anyway??? Too complex for me...

Blogger Blessed said...
JERRSTER---I have heard that The Office is very funny. I don't know why I haven't tuned in!! I love a good comedy.
BSB---Thank you.

Blogger Keshi said...
I hate cheesecake too yukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks! I thought on the new blogger I could drag and drop my elements into the site to create my own.

~A Life Inspired

Blogger Blessed said...
I miss my long nails. Really they weren't that long but nicer than my lil' short ones I have now.

Going to the movies sometimes is so overrated!!!!

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