(Pronounced like blest, not blesid)
Meaning: bringing happiness and thankfulness;
enjoying happiness; joyous; lucky; fortunate
"No matter what, through lifes ups and downs, I am blessed"
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

"Like a night without starlight, so is a life with out love"--unknown

If you have it, you don't need to have anything else,
and if you don't have it, it doesn't matter what else
you have"-- Sir James M. Barrie

"Love is a fruit in season at all times,
and within reach of every hand"--Mother Teresa

"It is by loving and being loved that one can come
nearest to the soul of another"--George McDonald

"Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is
invisible--it cannot be seen or measured,
yet it is powerful enough to transform you in
moment, and offer you more joy than any
material possession could"--Barbara De Angelis

"Where love is concerned, too much is not enough" -- Pierre De Beaumarchais

"Love is patient. Love is kind.
It is not jealous,
it does not rejoice in wrongdoing,
but rejoices in the truth.
It bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things. Love never fails"--1 Corinthians 13

Okay, I will admit it---I do love Valentine's Day.
It is just a special day dedicated to LOVE.
Not just love of my husband, but LOVE of everything
and everybody.
I know some seem to cringe when Valentine's rolls around
but I don't, never have, EVEN when I was single.
I have always had someone and something to LOVE.

My friends, my family, my life, my blessings.
I try to remind people that Valentine's day just
isn't JUST for lovers and children. It isn't JUST about
getting flowers and chocolate.
Take this day to remember what ALL you love!!!!!!!!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Thinking of you


Blogger starry said...
Valentine's day is about love.And you are so right it is about loving everything.Happy Valentines day to you.

Blogger Blessed said...
Ahhhhhhhhhh........you made my evening!!!! I'm so glad to see you stop by. I have wondered about you and Misti. I am so very glad now.
Don't be a stranger!!!

I am a sap, mushy, corny loving gal so Valentine's day is right up my alley.
Yes, I believe that we should love and share our love everyday. But I do like that this day is set aside.
This is a day that some may use to remember that they should say I love you to someone special in their life. Life passes us quickly and we should stop and smell the roses....even if it is the roses on Valentine's day!!!!!!

Blogger Keshi said...
LOL Blessed baby I dun hate Vals day...just having fun u know :) My sadistic fun hehe.

**"Like a night without starlight, so is a life with out love"--unknown

thats a very beautiful quote and oh so true. If u really saw my heart, u'll see that I have so much love to give (the romantic kind too) and it's so sad w.o. a guy by my side..it really is. I wish I had someone to share that kinda love. But Love God isnt showing me any mercy is He now!

Happy V-day swt hrt...U R LOVED ALOT!


Anonymous Anonymous said...
awww i love that Mother Teresa's word! thank u!
Happy Valentine Blessed-chan!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for the lovely quotes/poems....

This year I decided to donate to two charities that mean a whole lot to me... made me feel good about it!!

You're right.. today should be about our blessings... ;-)

Blogger Edtime Stories said...
wonderful post, I hope the feelings of the day stretch throughout the weeks and months....

Blogger Dial-Up Princess said...
Happy Valentine's Day!!

Blogger Blessed said...
KESHI---Hi Hon!!! I didn't think you hated Valentine's Day.
You know I think God is just waiting for the right moment!!!!
Happy Valentine's Day My Sweet!

NIKI---Mother Teresa is so very inspiring! Happy Valentine's Day Niki-chan!!!

NANCY---Where did your blog go???? I was away from blogland for a few days and when I was around I had limited time. I went looking for you and your fun blog was gone :(
What an awesome idea to donate to charities!! Now that is showing some love!!!! Happy Valentine's Day!

EDTIME---Hi Dear! Thank you! I am always in the mood for sharing love!!! Happy Valentine's Day to you!

Happy Valentine's Day to you!!!!!

Blogger erika said...
Very nicely said! Happy V-Day!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Thank you for you kind words.
It was simply time to move on.
Perhaps I will start another blog.. you never know.. ;-)

Blogger Blessed said...
Thank you and Happy Valentine's Day to you, lil Penguin!

I hope you blog again! I like hearing what you had to share.

Blogger Stephanie said...
Those are such nice quotes.

We had the Corinthians reading at our wedding. I love that one.

Happy Valentine's Day

Blogger Elaine Denning said...
Have a lovely day Blessed. x

Blogger Nancy said...
I love your quotes. I agree with your thoughts about love and I hope you have a happy valentines day!

Blogger Blessed said...
Hello! And thank you for stopping by. I am going to have to come check out your blog.
At, our wedding, we had that scripture too. Just beautiful.
Happy Valentine's Day!

Thank you! I have had a lovely day
despite my honey being under the weather. It has been a cold day. Snow swirling thru the air but no accumulation. So pretty. Just another reason to snuggle.
Happy Valentine's day!

NANCY (From Daily Blessings)---
Thank you! And I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day!!

Blogger Moggy said...
I agree you don't have to have a sweet heart to have a sweet Valentines Day. I sent emails to a lot of my single friends and got emails in return. One funny card from a married friend, and one phone call from my best guy friend.

Blogger Blessed said...
I just like to spread a little Valentine sunshine to all my family and friends, too!
Hope you had a great Valentine's!

Blogger RobynB said...
Thank you Blessed for such a beautiful post.

I hope your Valentine's Day was all you hoped for and more.

Take care sweet lady... You are truly a special person.

Blogger Blessed said...
I have missed you Robyn.
Thank you *blush*

Blogger A Life Inspired said...
Hi Blessed,

I'm with you. There is so much in this world to love! People! Animals! Nature! I enjoy loving life!

Thanks for sharing your love with us!

Blogger Edtime Stories said...
here I was expecting a new pic tonight

Blogger Blessed said...
Howdy!!! Love to share love!!!
Hope you had a great Valentine's!

I have been sick, sick, sick. Still sick but a bit better. After all, I am finally checking my email! That's a good sign...I think.

Blogger Jim said...
I love my friends too
and u

Blogger Blessed said...
Ahhhhhhhh Jim that was sweet!

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