(Pronounced like blest, not blesid)
Meaning: bringing happiness and thankfulness;
enjoying happiness; joyous; lucky; fortunate
"No matter what, through lifes ups and downs, I am blessed"
Wednesday, November 07, 2007


So I have made it thru another class!
Two down and I forgot how many more
to go? 13? Well, I have just suffered
thru 5 weeks of Management and Leadership.
Every time we met, which by the way is
every Wednesday from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.,
the teacher read to us from the textbook!
Torture I tell you! Torture!
I am sooooooooooo glad it's over!
Tonight was the last night. On to the
next class and hopefully, Oh God, I am
praying that the next teacher is better and
and no more of the suffering,
the agony, the misery and anguish!
I went back to school to learn not
be tormented by a teacher who should not
be teaching! Heck fire! A teacher
teaches. A teacher does not read
chapter after chapter and definition
and key word over and over and over
till you just can't pay any attention
at all. I wonder how many to do lists
I have made? I wonder I how I endured
as the hours slowly ticked by? It's terrible
that this was only my second class
and I actually dreaded going!

By the way,after each class we are to evaluate our
teacher. She isn't going to like
her evaluations.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
OMG! Poor you!

How aweful! beurkkkkkkkkkkkk You must feel like falling asleep!

Hang in there!

I can't get over that they still have them around! ;-(

Blogger Dial-Up Princess said...
I've had teachers like this. It sure can be dreadful.
I have one co-worker that is a part-time teacher and I just wonder to myself what his students think of him and his mono-tone voice.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
>Torture I tell you! Torture!
awww lol
im sooo sorry to hear it blessed-chan!!
you are studying management? woow thats cool! i want to do that tooo whether it is bad teacher or not ;)

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