(Pronounced like blest, not blesid)
Meaning: bringing happiness and thankfulness;
enjoying happiness; joyous; lucky; fortunate
"No matter what, through lifes ups and downs, I am blessed"
Monday, August 18, 2008
Whatever we focus on is bound to expand.
Where we see the negative, we call forth more negative.
And where we see the positive, we call forth more positive.
Having loved and lost, I now love more passionately.
Having won and lost, I now win more soberly.
Having tasted the bitter, I now savor the sweet.

(Marianne Williamson, founder of the Peace Alliance, born 1952)
Blogger Bob said...
This is sooo very right on. My daughter-in-law could use these words of wisdom (only if she uses them). She's an interesting study, quick to anger, swift to accuse. Maybe things will change with age. Thanks for sharing.

Blogger Bob said...

The link to your e-mail isn't coming up but here's mine:


I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks for asking for my e-mail.

BTW: I'm not really for O-Bomber. In fact, if I could vote NO! for president I would. They're politicians (which O-Bomber demonstrated that he was with his VP selection), they all think alike and love sleeping with each other.

Blogger Elaine Denning said...

Blogger starry said...
something to think abut.beautiful words.

Blogger Leigh said...
This says so much. I love it! Thanks for sharing it. I hope you are doing well.

Miss You!

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