(Pronounced like blest, not blesid)
Meaning: bringing happiness and thankfulness;
enjoying happiness; joyous; lucky; fortunate
"No matter what, through lifes ups and downs, I am blessed"
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Today, I got to thinking about a funny Seinfeld episode. You remember that episode where George goes without having sex and it he becomes really smart? Like genius smart? And Elaine is the opposite she, doesn't have sex and she becomes dumb? As in "what is a four letter word for Winnie the _ _ _ _?" And then that guy Elaine is dating who happens to be studying to take his medical exams to become a doctor and due to George being smarter Elaine decides for them to abstain so her beau can be smarter answers, "Pooh" and Elaine cracks up over POOH?
I got to thinking how I am dumber when I have sex. I guess I'm more like poor ole Georgie boy. I get all frazzled. I can't think staight. I can't get the wonderful moment out of my head. I replay it. I savor it. So by being consumed with the moment, it doesn't leave much else for my brain to think about.
Example, this morning it had rained and my hubbie, who works outdoors had some extra time. Lucky me. I tell ya when I went to work. I was a happy camper. Little pink in my cheeks. Spring in my step. More cheerful attitude. However, I couldn't do anything right. Couldn't spell a name that was right in front on me on patients next appointment card. I made stupid little errors. Couldn't remember what modifiers to put on different posts. Looked at the date so many times cuz I couldn't remember what day it was. Ran reports that I had already run. Put charts away that I needed to work on. I would have those moments where I lost time, becuz I was daydreaming about earlier "moments".
I was in a fuzz or a blur. I felt a little ignorant. All becuz of a little morning renedezous.
But you know what?
Hope you had a happy, pink-in-your-cheeks kind of Tuesday!
Blogger ThatGuy said...
I wish I had one of those days, but it seems to be just me alone these days. If you find a nice girl to help with that, send her my way. Looking at this slightly different, at least you're not a doctor or something, then you'd have to be a little more careful when you have your trysts. :)

Blogger KJ said...
I'm the opposite...........

I tend to think about sex way too often when I'm not getting it which leads to ditz moments.

Blogger RobynB said...
I love Seinfeld :)

I'm a bit loopy either way... lemme get teh hormones straighten out and I'll let you know!


Blogger Dial-Up Princess said...
I can say I have a combo of thatguy and kristen....im in a lonely phase but because of that I think about it often and have many ditz moments.
Its like air I guess....very important when your not getting any. :)

Blogger Elaine Denning said...
I'd give anything right now for a ditzy moment!

Blogger starry said...
I think you was on cloud 9 thats why you could not think straight. Its ok as long as you were happy.Life is to be enjoyed.BTW does the same to me too.And I am a big seinfeld fan.

Blogger Blessed said...
*that guy--I wish you one of those days! And yes, thank goodness, I don't have some job where my brain is crucial! LOL
*kristen--ditz moments-that's what I was sufferin' from!
robyn-loopy! Love that word.
*dialup princess-I love that quote-sex is like air, you don't miss it until you're not gettin' any! so true!
*DG-sex calms my anxiety-it's better than a valium. But that's just it-it calms me so that I just can't think.
*Miss U-at this very moment I'd like to be having a ditzy moment. LOL.
*starry-Cloud 9-that's exactly where I was!

Blogger 'PeachBelle' said...
so YOU are the reason they took the wrong kidney out of me! grrrr

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