(Pronounced like blest, not blesid)
Meaning: bringing happiness and thankfulness;
enjoying happiness; joyous; lucky; fortunate
"No matter what, through lifes ups and downs, I am blessed"
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Tuesday PART TWO
Goodness! I feel like a dirty bird after my last two pics that I have posted!
Guess I'm just showing another side of myself.
I thought they were funny till a couple of my older friends seemed embarassed by them. They even gasped. I didn't see anything wrong

with my pics. One friend even said that the latest pic was pornographic!
I told her that I didn't think it was pornographic-you couldn't see anything for pete's sake! And then I proceded to try to imitate some porno music! Ha Ha!
Can't a girl have a little fun? Guess I was feeling a bit mischevious the last two posts! I'm allowed! I guess I'm feeling a bit guilty for showing my
mischevious side. Guilt! I hate it.
NEways, on to better non-guilty thoughts...................
12 more days till the beach.
Did I mention there's a jacuzzi in our room. WOO HOO! Dirty bird will be coming out to play!
Uh-OH.... there's that mischevious side again creeping on in. LOL
So now I will leave you with a nice, sweet, non-offending, non-guilt makin' graphic....


Blogger RobynB said...
I'm first!!! YeaY!!!!

Sweetheart, be fiesty! Be you :)

Although some may have been offended by the pictures, they both brought a big giggle from me.

Fiesty is a good thing

Blogger starry said...
Blessed are those who can just look, laugh and move on.

Blogger Elaine Denning said...
I agree, feisty is good. And just be yourself, not what others think you should be. It made me laugh x

Blogger Knight said...
Blessed: Be as mischevious as you want. Oh, and good morning to you.

Blogger Blessed said...
Robyn-Hello! Thank you for being 1st!*smile*.Thanks for the encouragement. Makes me want to start singing "I gotta be meeeeeee"
Starry-Thank you. That's what I try to do-laugh! It's only fun!
Miss U-Thank you-laughter is the best medicine. Why are so many so eaily offended? Hmmmm...
Knight-Thank you and Morning to you. I was hopin' you would stop by.

Blogger Fig said...
Don't let them make you feel guilty... no way.

Jacuzzi? Do I hear porno music?

Blogger Dial-Up Princess said...
*smile* It made me giggle. Dont let others make you feel guilty and oh yea, good morning. :)

Blogger Blessed said...
Lily-Thank you. I do believe I hear it too.
Dialup Princess-Morning! Thank you.
I am a guilt prone person*frown*.
DG-Thanks for stopping by and seeing just a glimpse of my naughty side.

Blogger KJ said...
Why are you apologizing for being you?

Blogger erika said...
Ohh heck I liked it! Fiesty is good. Keeps everyone on their toes!

Blogger Blessed said...
KJ-Nope! I'm not apologizing for being ME, guess I'm apologizing for showing a side of me to some who couldn't handle it. Like-"Sorry, you can't handle this part of me-I keep it away from you next time"
Erika-Thank you. Keeping them on their toes-that what I do!*smile*

Blogger Leigh said...
Mischevious looks good on you girl. We do deserve to have fun sometimes.

Remember fiesty is a good thing.

Happy Hump Day!

Blogger Blessed said...
Leigh-Thank you. Happy Hump Day to you and the way I'm feeling right now, I feel as tho the hump has got me!

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