1) From Keshi @ www.keshigirl.blogspot.com:
What is the happiest thing about life?
The happiest thing about life to me is being at the ocean, with the sun shining down on me, walking thru the frothy waves as they pull me out further, feeling the sand moving under my feet, feeling the wind blowing my hair, the smell of the salt water sea, the seagulls flying over me in the vast blue sky, watching pelicans diving into the blue water. I am happiest when I am at the ocean. It is total paradise to me. I have no cares. I always think about how when I walking out of the water, how the waves slap me as if they are playing tag, and trying to get me to stay and play some more.(17 days till I'm there)
2)From KJ @ www.hitmewithyourbestshot.blogspot.com
When are we going to lunch?
Well, my dear, how about when I get back from vacation. What about Saturday, September 2nd??? Where would you like to go? Here in my
town? I have alot of favorite spots. What about you?? Where would you like to go? Now there's a question answering with a question.
3)From DG @ www.onestepright.blogspot.com
Tell me something that you have accomplished that you are very
proud of.
I have to say that becoming Catholic. I love it. It has changed my life.
It wasn't easy. I'm sure you know you just don't go to Catholic mass and
viola! you are Catholic. It took many months of going to class-something like 9 months. I am so very proud to be Catholic Convert and I think it shows.
4)From Knight @ www.drearycity.blogspot.com
Four questions! I love it!
*a)What is your most prized possession?
Materially it would have to be my wedding rings. They are not huge, or really fancy, kinda dainty, pretty, simple and what they symbolize to me
means the world.
Non-material I would have to say my health. I am blessed knowing how very lucky I am to get up each day with two good legs, two good arms and hands, two good eyes, I can think, I can breathe, I have no aches, I have no illness. I work in a medical office where I see so much sickness and I do thank God for blessing me at this moment with being healthy.
b) As a Christian, how do I juxtapose free will with pre-destiny?
Goodness how to I compare and contrast free will (which I say is our will truly free when I feel our we have such a weakness in our will?) and pre-destiny-something that I see as set, such as when we will die, that God knows know us, and has full knowledge of our deeds and controls our destiny-I feel that as a human being I know right from wrong, my will is weak and I falter, and I believe God knows this already (pre-destiny).
----okay, this is too deep Knight, but I gave it a tiny little stab. Knight I
got a C+ in philosphy and it was one of the hardest earned C+'s I ever got!
* c) What is my favorite food?
Sushi--better yet, sashimi.
*d) When am I gonna turn off word verification on my blog?
I turned it on since I got some spam/fake comment. So I guess I'm not turning it off. Does it aggravate you?
5)From Erika @ www.whyme-notagain.blogspot.com
What is one thing I regret?
I do have many regrets but one I feel that I can admit is dating my crazy, abusive ex, Scary Jerry. I knew from the moment I met him he was bad news, yet I got with him and made so many stupid decisions that I can't even count. I made so many regretful decisions. I acted in ways that I feel to not become me. I feel that I let myself become garbage. I let myself be belittled, degraded, abused. It sometimes sickens me to know just how low I stooped. How I was kicked and punched and still crawled back for more. *gag* I got a bad taste in my mouth.
6)From Leigh @ www.tryagain2006.blogspot.com
If you had to change one thing in your life, what would it be?
If I had to change one thing it would be my fears. My fear of having children. I am scared of it. And yet, here I am now, a Catholic girl who is not on birth control. (I also have been told by my ob/gyn that if I wanted to have youngin's that she would probably have to put me on fertility medicine since I don't ovulate normally) but still I fear being pregnant, having a child. I am fearful of all aspects: the actual carrying of a child,
the birth, the raising, would I be a good mother? Am I too selfish?
What if something was wrong with my baby? On and on I could go on about this. I just wish I could change my fear of this. I hope you don't think I'm awful when having children is freakin' common. Heck fire! That's how we all got here!
And now I will close this post with my usual,
come on Dial Up Princess, you gotta think of a something to ask me.
where are my other bloggers at??? Robyn? Starry Nights? 2-many
***********this just in, from Starry Nights @
www.stargazer-lalitha.blogspot.com (just after I was questioning where Starry Nights was!!!)
question #7
What is most important in my life? And what contribution would I like to make in this world?
*a) Most important in my life is my faith. I made a decision to put God and Jesus first above all.
*b)My contribution? I believe it is so true that you can make some small difference right where you are-so my contribution would be that smile that someone needed on a bad day, or a hug, or caring word, or shoulder to lean on, or a laugh to lighten the mood, and even witnessing that
God loves you and know He is ALWAYS with you, waiting for you to turn to Him!
Happy Thursday
You took a stab at the philosophy question... I was really just teasing you with that one. Maybe I'll email you my answer.
On a scale from 1 to 10, how violent are you?
On a scale from 1 to 10, how humorous are you?
this sounds a bit like eharmony.com questions, but...hehe.
How do you keep such a positive attitude?
You are always so uplifting. Thank you for that, btw :)
Hey I am a convert Catholic as well. I took the same RCIA classes.
Have a great day bless.