(Pronounced like blest, not blesid)
Meaning: bringing happiness and thankfulness;
enjoying happiness; joyous; lucky; fortunate
"No matter what, through lifes ups and downs, I am blessed"
Monday, July 31, 2006
Where have I been? I seem to have been a busy little bee. I don't know why I haven't blogged because of all people, I'm really good at
finding time.
So here are some updates:
*Still don't know the results of the autopsy for my friend.
We went to visitations Sunday night. Closed casket. The funeral home asked the family to not view her. That says alot. Funeral is tomorrow. I hate to say I'm dreading it, but I am. Funerals are so hard. I HATE to see people hurting and suffering. I took off work tomorrow. What a crappy reason to take off work. Thanx for keeping my friend and her family in your prayers; in your thoughts.
*Regarding my handwriting job. As some of you may remember I had to
drop my handwriting stuff off on Tuesday. Well, I was so afraid that they would not find my work good enough since in the orientation they were so unbelievably picky. Well, I was wrong. They freaked out when they saw my finished work. Freaked out as in a good way. I happened to know one of the ladies that runs the company (went to college with her) and she asked me how I like doing the writing and I replied very quickly,
"Hated it." She asked if I wanted to do another job and I couldn't stop myself but I immediately said the first thing that came to mind,
"Hell no!" and then I laughed. But I meant it. So far I have had no calls form the company to come back and fix any errors. So I guess I passed with flying colors and I was so hard on myself!!!!!!!!!!
*Very proud of myself right now. I figured out ALOT here in blog land on how to beautify my blog. Can you see the changes I have made in a week's time?????
*Happy Monday, ya'll!
Blogger Leigh said...
Funerals are the worst. I never know what to say. I am really bad at that. Your place is looking very good. Thanks for the meatloaf song, I downloaded and listened to it all day today. My thoughts will be with you tomorrow.

Blogger KJ said...
Stay strong

Happy Monday

Blogger erika said...
Oh I am so sorry about your friend. I never know what to say or do either.

Love the new pretties on your blog

Blogger starry said...
Sorry about your friend. Its a really hard time for everyone. You have an awesome blog. fresh and cheerfull.Thanks for stopping by mine.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Looks good, Susan!

Blogger Unknown said...
blog looks great and i love the pic from the last post. very interesting shot.

Blogger Afz said...
interesting blog! I like the waterness of it hehehe..
hope u are feeling better about ur friend now...take care
and keep posting

Blogger RobynB said...
You are in my prayers.

You are beautiful!

Your blog is sooo sparkly and pretty :)

Blogger ell said...
nice visuals on your blog--looks great!

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