(Pronounced like blest, not blesid)
Meaning: bringing happiness and thankfulness;
enjoying happiness; joyous; lucky; fortunate
"No matter what, through lifes ups and downs, I am blessed"
Monday, March 19, 2007
The interview
Five Questions: Interview Meme
The Rules: Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."I respond by asking you five personal questions (I will leave these questions for you in my comments) so I can get to know you better. If I already know you well, expect the questions may be a little more intimate!You WILL update your journal/bloggy thing/whatever with the answers to the questions (please don't leave your answers in my comments unless you don't have a blog).You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

And here are my 5 questions from DialUp Princess:

1.) What brought you to blogland ?
I like to write. Thought maybe I had something to share.
I also came here to see who else was here. See how
how our lives are similar and different.

2.) Do you want to have kids and why or why not?
I don't know if I want to have kids. Heck! I'm not
getting any younger. I am 36. I don't want to say
no I don't want kids and then something happens
and I get pregnant. Wouldn't that make me sound
unexcited or ungreatful or not ready or disappointed?
I also must mention somethings here:
I have never really had a desire to have children
as some women do. The whole child birth thing
scares me to death! I mean everything. From
carrying the child in my body for 9 months,
to being able to be the parent I want to be,
to raising a child in this sometimes big ole
scary world. So much responsibility. Could
I handle it? Would I be a good mother?
Also, my ob/gyn told me I don't produce an
egg normally so she would have to put me
on fertility medicine to conceive. I don't
like to take medicine. I try not to pop
ibuprofen when I have a headache or when
I'm having "womanly" discomforts. I am
not on birth control. Have hardly taken
birth control. Nothing is happening.
But as I tell everyone, if it happens,
it happens and I probably would be happy
because God blessed me with a little life
inside me. I just hope if that does happen
that I would do a good job. I know I have
alot of love to give.

3.)What is your take on the current politic climate of the country?
I think I fall somewhere down the middle.
Sometimes I feel that I am republican becuz
sometimes I am conservative and then there is
a bit of a liberal side of me especially when it comes
to protecting our environment and the animals.
I can't stand that we are at war. I cannot
express how this saddens me. If you have
been reading my blog for any length of time
you have seen me post things on supporting our
troops and even one of my most fav photos of
me is me draped in our flag. I love our country.
I don't always agree with our president.
But I will admit I did vote for "Dubya".
I did vote for Gore before that.
2008 is right around the corner and I'm
really trying for the first time in my life
to see who I think is lying the least.
Do I like Obama or Guiliana? (No, I'm sorry
not Hillary. and no offense if you do.
This is afterall a free country and you
can vote for who you like.)
I am nervous to write about politics.
I guess I am somewhat mixed up about it
all. Everybody always trying to sway
someone one way and getting heated if
you don't agree.
I try not to watch the news it makes me
feel so sad and helpless. Sometimesj
I feel that this world is going to
hell in a handbasket. Sometimes I feel
that US has ticked everybody off.
I don't know what this world is coming
to. So much upheaval. anger, war, violence.
Just another reason why we should count
our blessings.

4.) What is your happiest childhood moment?
Since my childhood wasn't a happy one, this
is such a difficult question. I was mentally
and physically abused as a child. I guess
the one good memory I have of being a child
was that I had a great big ole imagination
that I use to escape in.
I think that has made me a more creative person
to this day.
And tho the abuse was going on, I didn't
harden, I think I grew stronger and I feel
that I am able to sympathize and empathize with people
more so than the average joe. I also feel that
I survived and why I am able to see my blessings
and to know love.

5.) Have you ever met anyone from blogger and if so, how many?
I have not met anyone from blogland. There are so
many that I would like to meet but I don't know
if I ever will. Who knows what time will tell.
I know I could travel to some cool places
like Japan, Minnesota, Australia, Miami,
India,Canada, California, etc
Anonymous Anonymous said...
interview me.


Blogger Edtime Stories said...
Interesting idea...interview me.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Good morning,

Sorry to hear about your childhood. I think a lot of people didn't have the childhood that they deserved. That's unfortunate and very sad.

About children, well you know what they say, they are for people who can't have dogs! ;-)

Since the age of 9, I knew I wouldn't be having any. It has never bothered me. I prefer spoiling other people's kids and get the parents to do the hard stuff. Best of both worlds!

You can ask me the questions if you like, but I haven't started up my own blog as of yet!

Have a great day Blessed!

Blogger Blessed said...
Here are YOUR questions:
1)When you were a child what
did you want to be when you grew up?
2)Who has been the most positive
influence in your life?
3) When in school/high school what was your label (jock, nerd, brain, geek, popular, stoner, etc)?
4)What is your biggest vice?
5)If you could go to outter space,
would you go?

(Look forward to your answers!!!)

Blogger Blessed said...
1)Do you believe we only get one
great love?
2)If you wrote a book about your life what would the title be?
3)Name 3 of your biggest fears?
4)What is your defintion of romance? Do you truly follow this definition?
5)What kind of relationship do you/or did you have with your parents?

(Look forward to your answers)

Blogger Blessed said...
Maybe you could start a new blog with these questions or feel free to comment here!
Here are your questions:
1)Do you believe in soul mates?
2)If you could live in any other country, where would it be & why?
3)What is your very favorite way to spend your free time?
4)Name 3 things you wish to accomplish before you die.
5)If you didn't know your age, how old do you feel?

(Look forward to your answers)

Blogger Dial-Up Princess said...
Thanks for taking up the Meme...and your answers were great and honest..:)

Happy Blogging!...Dial-Up

Blogger Jim said...
i rote my answers in my blog in the comments section

u revealed a good deal about u
how about a pic of u ?

Blogger Keshi said...
Blessed I havent met anyone from the Blogger world either :(

**the one good memory I have of being a child
was that I had a great big ole imagination
that I use to escape in.

awww..that sounds so like me! Actually thats what kept me happy..my Imagination...and I believe imaginations can come true. And my current post is all abt Imagining :) Have a look when u have time.


Blogger Blessed said...
Thank you for the idea!!!!

I'm going to look at your blog now.
I have put many pics of myself on my blog.

I'm coming over.

Blogger Dinma said...
This is quite fun! Can you interview me pleeeaaase.

Blogger April said...
these are great answers! :)

Blogger erika said...
You had some great answers!

That must of been hard being a child. I am glad to see it didn't hurt your adulthood.

Blogger Blessed said...
Hello! Glad to see you stop by. I need to stop by and see you more often And thank you!!!

I have to admit that I am at times still haunted by my past, but thru my faith, I have become stronger.
and by the way, I am so glad to see you lil Penguin!

Blogger Blessed said...
Hi! Welcome! So glad to see a new face. I am gonna have to come visit you!
Here are YOUR questions:
1)What 3 things make you happiest?
2) Where have you traveled to where do you want to travel?
3)Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
4)What is something that you overcame to become a stronger human being?
5)What makes up your ideal mate?

(look forward to your answers!)

Blogger Blessed said...

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