(Pronounced like blest, not blesid)
Meaning: bringing happiness and thankfulness;
enjoying happiness; joyous; lucky; fortunate
"No matter what, through lifes ups and downs, I am blessed"
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
It's only Tuesday but this
is what I have learned this week.
1)crutches suck!
2)sometimes your injury feels and looks
scarier than what it is.
3) it's not fun walking on your heel.
4) injuries can be re-injured while trying
to dodge pets.
5) doctors prescibe pain pills way to easily
6) it's no fun injuring yourself when noone
is home to help you
7) when injuries happen it isn't funny
but sometimes it is
8) even tho one has a desk job, you
never really know just how much you do
have to get up till you injury yourself
9) trying not cuss is not easy when injured

I'm fine. Went to the doc on Monday becuz
I could not walk on my right foot.
I thought it was better to be safe than sorry.
Was x-rayed. Not broken. Will take a few days
to see if fractured. I don't think it is.
Just severly twisted/sprained. Not my ankle,
but my actual foot. UGLY bruised painful foot.
They wanted to put me in this boot thingy
but I couldn't walk it in. I couldn't put any
weight down and the boot thingy was much harder
to drag and I couldn't walk on my heel. So I made
them take it off. I asked for it to be wrapped in
an ace bandage. Did you know that ace bandages aren't
covered by insurance??? I didn't.
I got crutches. I used them for one day. I hated them.
And today all the muscles underneath my arms are
hurting. Wonder how much my insurance got charged for
those crutches and then how much will I ultimately have
to pay?
Supposed to go back Saturday for a check. I'm telling you
now if they don't see any fractures on the x-ray, I'm not
going back to pay another co-pay. I will just continue to
hobble till it's better. I am already better. I can put
more pressure on my foot now. Yeah!!!!!
Blogger Jerrster said...
falling is a part of life...but having suitable coverage for it is getting harder and harder...I do physical therapy....something to dream about....jus sayin'

Blogger Keshi said...
o u poor thing!


Anonymous Anonymous said...
If it's going a little better, then it's a good sign.

Ace bandages sometimes cut the circulation off. You have to know how to put them on properly. Not too tight nor too loose. Not that obvious.

Still a bummer though.

Hang in there my dear.... hope the recovery continues on the up & up!


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