(Pronounced like blest, not blesid)
Meaning: bringing happiness and thankfulness;
enjoying happiness; joyous; lucky; fortunate
"No matter what, through lifes ups and downs, I am blessed"
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Okay, so I wanna try something different here on my wonderful, lovely blog. I'm gonna try to write about, from day to day (or whenever I feel like blogging),
So, I will start, of course, with today:
*interesting website www.likebetter.com
*Rock 'n' roll legend Elvis Presley ceded his crown to Nirvana lead singer Kurt Cobain on Forbes.com's list as the top-earning dead celebrity.
The list, published on Tuesday, said grunge rocker Cobain earned $50 million between October 2005 and October 2006. Presley wound up in the No. 2 slot with $42 million, down from last year's $45 million.
*at the medical office where I work, they have an automated recording that answers the phone and gives prompts to route the callers to the specific departments they need. well, they asked me to be "the voice" for the recording.
Made me feel special!
I think I have a pretty good speaking voice. I think I have good diction and articulate pretty good. I thought it was ironic that the day they asked me to do this
I also signed up for lector training for my parish. That is, I'm gonna train to be one of those people that gets up on Saturday or Sunday or whatever day Mass is ocurring and proclaim the reading of the day.
*saw a little blip in the Sept 25th, 2006 U.S. News & World Reports Magazine that got me thinking AGAIN about a topic that I do seem to ponder from time to time:'the end'. This little blip was titled "He saw 9/11, Now He sees 'the end' "
Joel Rosenberg, the New York Times bestselling author whose books have eeirly predicted bad things like 9/11, has a new one coming out, and in it he takes on the superbig question: Is the end near? Seems many think so. For Epicenter, a book on the Middle East crisis, Rosenberg had the polling firm McLaughlin & Associates ask 1,000 adults if they agreed that current events were evidence of what the Bible calls the last days. In the poll, provided by Whispers, a remarkable 42 percent agreed. The breakdown is even more startling:
half of women agree, 75% of blacks agree and 57% of those ages 18 to 25 agree!!!!!!

Now peeps, what are your feeling on 'the end'? In our lifetime?
Blogger Fig said...
well... my grandma says she remembers her parents saying that they thought the end was near... and she said that when she was in her 20's and 30's she kept thinking the end is near... I think we ALL think it... every generation. Do I think the end is near... maybe... I do think that things are going to change drastically for us but the end... I dunno.

Blogger Keshi said...
its gotta be Cobain!


Blogger Edtime Stories said...
I don't want to insult anyone's beliefs but in every generation there has been a running belief they are the last generation. Modernity and the artifical thing we can time that cause our calender to change added to this. Sadly, I think belief that the end is near is something that stops people from acting in places like Israel, Darfur, Uganda, etc. etc. etc.

Blogger RobynB said...
Times are scary right now, but the end...

I just don't know.

Blogger Unknown said...
Off subject, I just wanted to say thanks for checking in on me.


Blogger Dial-Up Princess said...
Well I agree with Lily on the fact that every generation thinks there is a point when things will end.

And if history has shown us anything is that even the greatest civilizations end at some point and another comes in its place. But are we at that point ? I dunno.

Btw, Blessed...thanks for tagging me.

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