Dark chocolate may stave off artery hardening in smokers, and a few squares every day could potentially cut the risk of serious heart disease, finds a small study in Heart.
Well, that's really good news especially for those dark chocolate lovers like me!
Calling it beneath contempt, one group is urging a boycott of a new book by OJ Simpson and a television special about it. The book details how Simpson would've murdered his ex wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman, if he did it. In Simpson's book entitled, “If I did it”, he describes how he hypothetically would have killed his ex-wife and her friend.
Hurray for Emmitt Smith winning Dancing with the Stars!!!
Did you see the look on Mario Lopez's and his partner's face? They really seemed ticked.
The new James Bond, Daniel Craig is hot. I really think he makes the next best James Bond right after ole Sean Connery. He definitely blows ole Pierce Brosnan out of the water!
Okay so Mr. Lame-Coat-tail-rider Kevin Federline is gonna release a sex tape of him and Britney to pad his pockets. So sad. I don't see this tape hurting Britney's career. It didn't hurt Pam Anderson, Paris Hilton or Screech.
Enough about the Katy Holmes-Tom Cruise wedding!!
Brazilian model Ana Carolina Reston was 1.74 metres (five foot seven inches) tall and weighed just 40 kilogrammes (88 pounds) when she died of kidney failure, one day before she was scheduled to fly to Paris for a photo shoot.
Two days after a 21-year-old Brazilian model died of anorexia, top French couturiers denied that the fashion world was responsible for the pressure on young models to become excessively thin.
I would laugh at this statement but it's just so freakin' terrible.
Today I actually saw some snow flurries in the air. Brrrrrrrrr..........
Tho I do think snow is beautiful and I will enjoy it when it does fall, I still want my summer back.
Did you read about all the devastation that some tornados caused in Alabama and North Carolina? It's November--it's just awful.
Awesome quote for today:
"It is said that the mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy. At every moment we have the opportunity to choose our company; thoughts which bring oxygen to the spirit or those which bring pain."~ Brahma Kumaris, Mt Abu
Last but definitely not least--
today is the last day I will be 35 years old.
That's right, tomorrow I turn 36. I don't know why I feel a little glum about turning 36. I usually am very excited about my birthday. As I have said before, it is the day that God decided to grace me upon the Earth.
I am blessed. I am here. I know I should embrace my soon-to-be new age. I do have some fun plans. I will get to share this day with many of the people I love.
Somebody pass me a glass (or two) of red wine!!!