(Pronounced like blest, not blesid)
Meaning: bringing happiness and thankfulness;
enjoying happiness; joyous; lucky; fortunate
"No matter what, through lifes ups and downs, I am blessed"
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Sister is doing fine. Fine as you can be after having surgery.
Thank you all for your well wishes, prayers, and positive thoughts.
I can not tell you how much it means to me!!! You ALL rock!!!!
Well, my blog template is really getting on my nerves. Some are seeing
my blog as it should be seen, others are not. This includes me.
On home computer I sometimes see it right and then other times
it has switched on me. Grrrrrrrrrr.................
(that's me growling). Hopefully, this can be fixed. I have enlisted
the help from a very beautiful, creative blogger friend, Jeannie Grrl,
who hopefully has the magic touch. Cross your fingers that I don't
have to move to another spot and start over. I have done that
like 3 or 4 times since I discovered blogland! If I move, I hope you will
come visit me there. But that's my last resort. I'm not going anywhere yet.
Blogger Nancy said...
I have had blogger troubles too and they keep wanting me to switch. I am afraid I will loose everything when I swithch. I will come visit wherever you are... blessings!

Blogger Keshi said...
Im glad ur is is ok. God bless!

Abt ur blog...did u write to Blogger? Also did u do anything to the template code or did u try to change the layout?

I'll find my way to ya wherever u r sweetie. HUGGGGGGGGGZ!


Blogger Dial-Up Princess said...
Glad to hear about your sister...*hugs*

Blogger starry said...
I am glad your sister is doing better.I will continue to remember her in my prayers.Right now your blog looks fine.I will track u down no matter where you go.take care.

Blogger Leigh said...
I am glad to hear that your sister is doing well. I have had a few fights with blogger myself this week. I don't think I would be much help.

Happy Hump Day!

Blogger Tom Bailey said...
I am seeing your blog correctly, I am glad things are better for your sister. I am here for your interesting content anyways not the way that your blog looks. You have some very authetic things here.

Blogger starry said...
You have been tagged.

Blogger Keshi said...
I see its all ok now. GREAT! :)


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