(Pronounced like blest, not blesid)
Meaning: bringing happiness and thankfulness;
enjoying happiness; joyous; lucky; fortunate
"No matter what, through lifes ups and downs, I am blessed"
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Blah, blah, blah.......
Okay, so I broke down today. No, not my car but me.
I couldn't take it anymore!!!!!! I was about to pull a
Britney Shears (LOL) and shave off all my hair or atleast pull
it out. That's how I get when my hair is getting on my
ever lasting nerve. So happily I sit here now with my
freshly cut and colored hair. I feel like
a whole new person. Isn't it amazing how good you feel
when you get your haircut? I actually feel I can look
at myself in the mirror now.
Got those wolly worms above my eyes waxed too.
My eyebrows actually have a
shape again. Note to all those women out there that wax--
I use that wondeful Bikini Zone topical *analgesic gel
on my newly waxed and severly red
eye brow area and viola! redness and swelling gone.
I love that gel!!!!!
(*analgesic--now that's a funny word to type out!)
Speaking of Britney Spears, what is wrong with you girl????????
Now I realize she won't be reading that question since she
checked into rehab for a third time!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhh to be a young celebrity.
No thanks!!!
Now speaking of celebrity,
anybody been watching that Anna Nicole Smith hearing
going on in Florida?
What a circus.
I am glad that they finally decide that
Anna is to be buried next to her son in the Bahamas.
So sad. Looks like ole Anna still isn't going to
rest in peace with all the fighting going on over
her baby and estate.
Had my yearly mammogram today. That's how I started off
my day, being half naked and some stranger positioning
my boobs on some big, intimidating, cold machine
to squeeze my breast into pancakes to take pictures.
What women have to go thru!!!! Yes, I know it
is for the good. I'm am lucky to be able to have
mammograms. It's just not fun and I don't envy
women who have are smaller in size. I can't imagine
the pain they must go thru to get a picture.
So please say a little prayer, cross your fingers or
send me positive vibes that everything with turn out
So on that note and in honor of having my
mammogram today I have posted a little, PG rated,
very tame HNT:

Hey tomorrow is Friday and I am very happy about that.
Hope you all have a great weekend.
If you feel like sharing, got any fun plans????
Blogger Leigh said...
Sending you a booby prayer.

Have a great evening.

Blogger JeannieGrrl said...
I haven't had a mammogram yet but lord knows I've had every other test known to man... ever had five feet of tube and a camera up your butt? *shudder* anyhow - I envy your cut. I wanted to get one this week but ran short of cash.. I pluck - for some reason I have a horrible phobia of waxing. This weekend? I plan to nap. A lot.

Blogger Edtime Stories said...
nice post.... what I don't understand is everyone complains about the Brittney/anna coverage but everyone talks about it. Ahh the irony of American culture.

Nice photo btw.

I hate my hair too, yet I would look goofy bald so I keep it.

Blogger Blessed said...
Thank you for the booby prayer!!!
I hope you have a great weekend.

I have never had five feet of tube and camera up my butt. That definitely sounds awful and no fun. shudder is right!!!!!
I am so glad to have my hair cut.
What a relief. I really couldn't afford the cut but I bit the bullet. I hadn't waxed my eyebrows in about 6 months. I didn't start waxing my eyebrows till I was in my late twenties. I have such small eyes and this lady said your eyes will just pop if we shape up those eyebrows. And sure enough she was right. I pluck too. But getting it over with with wax is the ticket. Ever heard of threading? Where they shape your eyebrows with a thread? I've always wanted to do that. Heard it's better for ya.
Hope you have a good, restful weekend.

Blogger Blessed said...
Happy Friday to ya!!!
I definitely say that Britney and Anna have made the celebrity news coverage a big deal lately. It definitely is entertaining!!! It's one of those things that hear about and it takes my mind off my worries, worries of things like Iran, Iraq, who am I liking for the upcoming presidential race, etc.
You hate your hair?
Guys got it so easy. Your alls hair cuts are always cheaper.

Blogger Dial-Up Princess said...
Best of luck with the mammogram, *hugs*

I fear the slow painful plucking and absolutely HATE waxing, so for the most part I keep the brows naturally bushy unless something special comes up.

As for the recent Britney/Anna circus', I think its sad that we consider this newsworthy but it is a reflection of American culture.

For THIS weekend there is no rest...I have to do laundry and a kid bday party. YAY! Ha!.....

Happy Friday,

Blogger Blessed said...
I too have a kids b-day party to go to. The good thing is the kid mom always has something for the adults. This year the child is turning 7 and it's a Sunday Brunch at this really nice private club.
Hope you have a great weekend!!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
this post was hilarious!
and thanks for ur sexy pic lol
i think i will never have to do mammogram, becoz of small size *blush*
sorry to hear abt Britney! i hope she will find a better hubby before soon :)

Blogger Blessed said...
I hope you have a great weekend!!!
I bet poor Britney will have alot of husbands.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'm going to read a book, ride my bike, eat some sushi...no not all at the same time...silly

Blogger Blessed said...
Can I go eat sushi with you?????
My fav.
Hope you have fun riding your bike, reading your book.
What book????

Blogger starry said...
Well! I am so glad you did not shave your hair off.Poor Britany I am glad she rechecked herself.Having my fingers crossed for your mammogram results.Everytime I go in for one have to pray and wait for the results.take care and have a good weekend. Anna Nicole thing has really turned into a nightmare.the body is still not buried.

I like the HNK pic.lovely.

Blogger Blessed said...
Thank you for crossing your fingers.
Poor Anna Nicole. Just as she lived her life (full of drama), so is her death.
Hope you have a lovely weekend!!!

Blogger Unknown said...
Glad all the waxing went well.

Thx for the comments it must be hard to watch a train wreck.


Blogger Blessed said...
Really, reading your & Misti's blogs breaks my heart more than anything. I just want you two to be happy in love. I know you both have your baggage and it will get in the way, but again I just want you two to be so deliriously happy in love. Two souls that can conquer anything.
And I don't want you to leave blog world.

Blogger Jim said...
is dat u ?

u look lovely

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Ok I need to set the record straight...

You do know that old Brit was reading my once upon a time blog.. she's just trying to look like me and she didn't even do it for a great cause!!!! Poor her!

Seriously, you should go bald once in your life.. it's a liberating experience.. now I just can't stand the hair that's growing back...

Shaved it again..not all..and just dyed what was on there... ;-)

It's hair people... ;-) have fun with it!!!!

I'm up for my mammo next month.. oohhh I'm so lucky to be 40.. ;-)

Blogger Blessed said...
But of course, that is me.
Thanx for stopping in.
James Dean is hot.

Britney is a copy cat. She copies Paris Hilton and does some crotch shots and now she copies your hair.
I'm 36 and have been getting mammograms since I turned 30 due to family history.
Mammograms are just too fun!!!
Yes, I'm being sarcastic.

Blogger Keshi said...
thats PG rated indeed :) whoaaa Blessed!

btw what kinda circus is that Anna Nicole Smith case? I mean let the dead rest in peace for godssakes!


Blogger Blessed said...
Amen! Anna Nicole case is more than a circus. And now her mother has appealed! Come on put the woman to rest for goodness sake.

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