(Pronounced like blest, not blesid)
Meaning: bringing happiness and thankfulness;
enjoying happiness; joyous; lucky; fortunate
"No matter what, through lifes ups and downs, I am blessed"
Monday, April 02, 2007
chocolate bunnies

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I've been craving strawberry shortcake...it's something we always had right about now....no marshmallow peeps for me..thank you very much.

Blogger Paul Joe said...
Hi! Blessed, thanks for visitting!
i only just found my blog!

i love chocolates, Easter is a very blessed time for me, i'm going down to the coast for the weekend,Durban one could and can swim there in the middle of winter!
i grew up there!
to see the dolphins and get to play a bit!

Blogger Keshi said...
LOL very cute.

Well we were planning to go for a 3 night getaway and it got cancelled just today. Due to bad weather :*(.

Anyways we'll still burn the globes on Sunday nite...we r gonna go have a BBQ with some family n friends at the beach WOOHOO!


Blogger Leigh said...
I am planning on taking it easy. Church on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and then back to work Sunday and monday. What about you??

Have a great week Blessed.

Blogger Blessed said...
Strawberry shortcake sounds superb!
Ohhhhhhhh come on....eat a peep!

When I get a little bit more free time I will come visit your blog.
Durban sounds so awesome. I am a water girl. I'll take the beach anytime!!!!

Sorry about your trip. What is this burning the globes??????
BBQ sounds like fun, can I come???

I will be at mass Thurs 7:30 p.m., Good Friday mass is at 3:00 so I had to take off work 1/2 day!(I'm a eucharistic minister this mass), last year Good Friday mass was at night, I will be going to the Easter Vigil Saturday evening since, like you, I'm gonna watch the canidates and catechumens get confirmed. Saturday will be a very busy day. Practice at 10:30 a.m., dinner with RCIA team at 6:30 pm and then have to be at church at 8:30 p.m. (I am also a lector during this long mass).
Last year it was beautiful and warm. This year it's gonna be cold.

Blogger Dial-Up Princess said...
I spent Easter commuting back home...I will post about it later...

Happy Blogging!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
hehe cute bunnies :)

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