(Pronounced like blest, not blesid)
Meaning: bringing happiness and thankfulness;
enjoying happiness; joyous; lucky; fortunate
"No matter what, through lifes ups and downs, I am blessed"
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Your opinion please
Hey there!
I took a bit of a break. Just a week.
I have a feeling that my blogging
will probably become more sporadic.

So anyway I need your opinion.
Please take the poll and if you
wish to leave a comment too.
I am thinking I need to upgrade
my computer. Realize that I am
on a budget. It will not be
a laptop becuz I just think it
would be too expensive even tho
I would love one!
THANK YOU for helping me with this
important decision!

Blogger Edtime Stories said...
I weighed in, hope it helps...miss you a lot

Blogger Dial-Up Princess said...
i weighed in as well....dont be a stranger....:)

Blogger starry said...
How are u Blesssed. Dropped my vote hope it helps.

Blogger Leigh said...
I have a friend that worked for Dell, he advised me to NEVER buy a Dell. Hope all is well with you.

Have a great day Blessed.

Blogger Keshi said...
I missed ya! WB :)

I voted for DELL ofcourse hehe.


Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'm afraid I don't know anything about computers so I can't help ya there.


hope all is well with you

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Dear Blessed,

Just dropping by to say Hi!
Hope life is treating you well.. you deserve it!
Little pat for your cute darlings from me...

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