(Pronounced like blest, not blesid)
Meaning: bringing happiness and thankfulness;
enjoying happiness; joyous; lucky; fortunate
"No matter what, through lifes ups and downs, I am blessed"
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Your opinion please
Hey there!
I took a bit of a break. Just a week.
I have a feeling that my blogging
will probably become more sporadic.

So anyway I need your opinion.
Please take the poll and if you
wish to leave a comment too.
I am thinking I need to upgrade
my computer. Realize that I am
on a budget. It will not be
a laptop becuz I just think it
would be too expensive even tho
I would love one!
THANK YOU for helping me with this
important decision!

Sunday, September 23, 2007
Time out
Had a very exasperating day!
My home computer is really getting on
my nerves. I think I need a new one.
This was not the day for computer
problems when I needed my computer
for research! I awoke this morning
knowing I had the entire day to do
my homework only to fight with my
dad-burn computer! I finally after
too many hours, made some head way!
My goal was to have my homework
completely done. But that didn't go
as planned.
I feel I'm gonna have to step away
from blogland for a bit; for a rest;
I have some other things I must give
more attention.
So I guess I am taking a break.
Everybody needs a break from time
to time.
Email me or leave me a comment if
you like.
a very tired and numb Blessed
Saturday, September 22, 2007
to fill the void
I am alive. Sorry I haven't been around. Busy bee!
I stole this from Ed. (Thanx Ed!)

1. What did you eat for dinner yesterday?
Outback curb-side. Yes, they brought it out to my car. Wonderful idea, this curb-side thing! Much better than acutally going in the restaurant to get our carry out.
What did I eat? Grilled salmon with steamed broccoli and an add on king crab leg.

2. How much cash is in your purse/wallet right now?
About $43 which is odd since it's so rare that I actually have cash. I mostly
use my debit/bank card.

3. What have you done to avoid being flirted with by someone you didn't like?
Plain and simple,I talk to someone else! I don't want to be too rude but I just
don't give whoever any attention or much conversation.

4. Do you believe the theory "Once a cheater always a cheater"?
Not really. I think all cheaters are different. One may cheat again, one may not.
I think it's all in the reason why they cheated. There are many reasons and I'm not excusing a cheater for what they have done. Then there are cheaters who are just
players. I believe that we all can learn the errs of our ways. I have hope.

5. Describe your sex life in two words.
Too personal (Ha!)

6. What is one thing that you wanted to do this summer but didn't?
Go to farmers market. However it's never too late.

7. If you lived a hundred years ago, what job would you've had?
Housewife after all it would be 1907.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
It's only Tuesday but this
is what I have learned this week.
1)crutches suck!
2)sometimes your injury feels and looks
scarier than what it is.
3) it's not fun walking on your heel.
4) injuries can be re-injured while trying
to dodge pets.
5) doctors prescibe pain pills way to easily
6) it's no fun injuring yourself when noone
is home to help you
7) when injuries happen it isn't funny
but sometimes it is
8) even tho one has a desk job, you
never really know just how much you do
have to get up till you injury yourself
9) trying not cuss is not easy when injured

I'm fine. Went to the doc on Monday becuz
I could not walk on my right foot.
I thought it was better to be safe than sorry.
Was x-rayed. Not broken. Will take a few days
to see if fractured. I don't think it is.
Just severly twisted/sprained. Not my ankle,
but my actual foot. UGLY bruised painful foot.
They wanted to put me in this boot thingy
but I couldn't walk it in. I couldn't put any
weight down and the boot thingy was much harder
to drag and I couldn't walk on my heel. So I made
them take it off. I asked for it to be wrapped in
an ace bandage. Did you know that ace bandages aren't
covered by insurance??? I didn't.
I got crutches. I used them for one day. I hated them.
And today all the muscles underneath my arms are
hurting. Wonder how much my insurance got charged for
those crutches and then how much will I ultimately have
to pay?
Supposed to go back Saturday for a check. I'm telling you
now if they don't see any fractures on the x-ray, I'm not
going back to pay another co-pay. I will just continue to
hobble till it's better. I am already better. I can put
more pressure on my foot now. Yeah!!!!!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
There is one thing that I am not
and that is graceful.
I tend to be a clutz.
I try not to be clumsy
but I still trip, I still bump
into things, etc.
So this afternoon was no
different. I was leaving my
house to go to the store.
I had a stack of old magazines
about 12 inches high in my arms,
my sunglasses on, my purse over
my arm and out the door I went
to only go falling off the bottom
step of my porch. Thank goodness
there are only two concrete
steps! I some how lost my footing
and went falling on to the concrete.
Magazines went flying in the yard.
I knew I was falling but it's as
tho my body was in shock and didn't want
to believe it! So there I lay
on the concrete walkway. My ankle
throbbing. My first thought was
holy crap I'm laying in my yard!
Did anyone see me fall?
Oh crap! Did I break my ankle?
(Are you laughing yet at this
picture of me????)
Well, I stumbled up from the ground,
my elbow burning from scraping it.
Thank goodness I had a light jacket
on. I check my ankle and I hop back up
the steps into the house. I don't think
it's broken. I am getting around ok but
it hurts. Twisted it maybe? It's nice and
swollen. Can't put all my weight down
on it, so I feel like some freak
walking around right now.
Yes, I did soak it a nice bowl
of ice.
Nice goose egg on my right foot
now. Getting around is gonna
be too much fun the next day or so!

Of course, the pics don't do it justice!
Friday, September 14, 2007
What's in a Name

A psychiatrist was conducting a group therapy session with four young mothers and their small children.
"You all have obsessions," he observed.

To the first mother, Mary, he said,
"You are obsessed with eating. You've even named your daughter Candy."

He turned to the second Mom, Ann:
"Your obsession is with money again, it manifests itself in your child's name, Penny."

He turned to the third Mom, Joyce:
"Your obsession is alcohol. This too shows itself in your child's name, Brandy."

At this point, the fourth mother, Cindy, quietly got up, took her little boy by the hand and whispered,
"Come on, Dick, we're leaving."
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Little things...
A couple exciting things happened this week.

1) started school.
First class exceded my expectations by leaps
and bounds. I really like that it's a Christian
college and I like that faith is involved in the
learning. I know some classes will be more
difficult but I am soooo excited just the same!!!

2) Me, my hubby and the pugs had a professional
photo shoot. The doc I work for wants to do a
montage of pics of all her employees for the
office Christmas card. So she found a wonderful
photographer to take pics of all her employees.
She wanted us to take the pics however we wanted;
showing our personalities, perhaps with our families,
our pets. I was a bit nervous going in front of
the camera. Yes me!!!! The maker of my own personal
montages! I have to say I was pleasantly surprised
with all the great pics she took. Infact, I'm finding
it quite difficult making up my mind to pick out
ALL the pictures I want in color and black & white!!!
Now I share some un-edited proofs with you!

Sunday, September 09, 2007
Well, it is official.
I am going


My first class begins Wednesday evening.
I will be going to school once a week
on Wednesday nights.
As I mentioned in a previous entry
I have been entertaining the idea
of going back to school for
awhile now. And how am I to know
if I can do it, unless I try?
So we shall see if this is for me.
Wish me luck.

Saturday, September 08, 2007
Saw this over at Ed's place and thought I would give it a whirl!
Go to

  • and search your birth date. Write down three events, 2 births, 1 holiday that happend on your birthday and tag 5 friends.
    Well, before I start you all are tagged!!

    1)(1777) Articles of Confederation submitted to the states for ratification.
    2)(1967) Vietnam War: Acting on optimistic reports he was given on November 13, US President Lyndon B. Johnson tells his nation that, while much remained to be done, "We are inflicting greater losses than we're taking...We are making progress."
    3)(2003) Arnold Schwarzenegger is inaugurated as Governor of California(2003)

    1)Rock Hudson
    2)Lauren Hutton

    1)none :(

    Pretty boring stuff, huh?
    Thursday, September 06, 2007
    Sinusitis and Chantix
    Been feeling rather crappy this week.
    Feeling very fatigued and yucky.
    You know how you just know your body
    and it's telling you "Hey! I think I'm
    gettin' sick." Well, I have tried to
    fight it. Chicken soup, rest, postive
    thinking. Today I thought I would nip
    it--I went to the doctor. I got a z-pak.
    Antibiotics. Looks like I had the
    beginning of sinusitis.
    The next think I discussed with my doctor
    was that new drug for quitting smoking,
    Chantix. Have you heard of it?
    She wrote me out a prescription for
    3 months. I hear it's pretty expensive,
    like a $100 a month. But it's worth it,
    I know it. So we shall see if this works.
    I haven't started it yet. But I will.

    (Me and my Chantix brochure)
    Wednesday, September 05, 2007
    Ticked off
    Today is the ninth anniversary of
    my little brother's death.
    Every year in our hometown newspaper
    I put a little something in memory
    of my brother on this day.
    So today once I finally got word
    that paper was out (I live
    in another town and don't immediately
    get to see that paper) and the piece
    was in, I get really ticked off!
    You see they put the his birth date
    in correctly but then they
    put his date of death as
    May 5th, 1998, not Sept. 5th!!!!
    Why would I call up last week
    and specifically ask for Sept. 5th
    to put a May 5th date????????
    So tomorrow someone is going to
    get a nice ole phone call from me.
    Of course, I won't get my money
    back for the microscopic spot
    that I paid outrageously for,
    but they will probably do a retraction.
    But it's just not the same. It's
    such a bummer that something special
    yet simple had to be screwed up!
    Monday, September 03, 2007
    Part One--"Don't stand so close to me"
    She was a very naive 16 years old when
    she started liking him.
    It was just a school girl's
    crush. She didn't know exactly when
    she realized she was infactuated but
    she was smitten. He was so cute.
    Brownish red hair. Stood just a bit
    taller than her. His blue eyes
    just sparkled. She loved his beard
    and the slight cherry birth mark
    on the side of his neck. She liked
    his smile. Something about him
    reminded her of Sting of the Police.
    It didn't help when she would hear the song
    "Don't Stand So Close to Me".

    You know how that song begins, right?

    "Young teacher the subject
    Of schoolgirl fantasy
    She wants him so badly
    Knows what she wants to be
    Inside her there's longing
    This girl's an open page
    Book marking - she's so close now
    This girl is half his age...."

    She found herself flirting
    with him before class; after class;
    in between other classes.
    She was late getting to homeroom
    class numerous times.
    She found it hard to concentrate
    when she was in his class.
    The subject was one that was
    difficult for her anyway-math-geometry.
    She found herself going to soccer
    games just to see him out on the
    field. He always talked to her.
    She could tell that he liked the attention.
    She enjoyed that he was flirting back.
    You see, he was her geometry teacher
    and also the soccer coach.

    As time went on she found her little
    virginal self more brazen.
    She took her flirting to a whole
    new level. She lifted her shirt
    and showed that on that in the middle
    of her bra was a little bitty bow with
    a little bitty pearl.
    She pulled off the pearl
    and gave it to him! Where she
    got her nerve, she did not know.
    But she did it.
    No one saw her do this. But
    everyone in her geometry class
    knew she had a crush on him.
    She felt embarrassed. She felt
    flushed when she was in his company.
    And one day when he was writing
    on the black board he had
    a piece of dental floss tied
    around his wrist. On that piece of
    dental floss was that little pearl!!!
    She thought she would just die right
    then and there!
    She loved it!
    There were other incidents, subtle
    flirting. He came back stage
    when she was practicing for a play.
    She became brazen again. Asked him to
    zip up the back of her dress!!!!!
    Where she got this audacity, this
    fearlessness, she did not know.
    She hadn't had a boyfriend before.
    She hadn't been with anyone.
    Yet it was tho this whole other
    outrageous, bold personality took
    over when she was in his presence.
    To beat all, not only was he her
    young cute teacher, he was married.
    That didn't stop that he actually
    came to her house a few times to see
    her. Even after he left the school.
    Yes, he ended up getting another
    job elsewhere. Somehow they kept in
    touch but very little. He even tried
    to talk her into going to college
    closer to where he was. But then
    it was too late, time had passed,
    crushes start to fade. She had a
    love in her life then.
    But she often wondered if she had
    been even more bold what would have
    happened? If she hadn't fell for
    someone else, would something
    had happened between them?
    But most of all, she wondered since
    he continued on being a teacher,
    did he ever flirt with anyone else?

    (Part Two to come)
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